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Data Structures and Algorithms for Data Science

DSC 30, Spring 2024 at UC San Diego

Marina Langlois

Marina Langlois


Lecture: MWF 9:00-9:50PM, 10:00-10:50PM MANDE B-202

Discussion: Wednesday 4:00-4:50PM, 6:00-6:50PM MANDE B-202

Office Hours: By appointment (just drop me an email and we can find a good time to chat)

🎉 Welcome to the Spring 2024 offering of DSC30!
This course introduces you to the foundations of programming in Java, data structures and algorithms. In particular, DSC 30 is the second class in the series taught in Java and covers data structures including: Stacks, Queues, Arrays, Lists, Linked Lists, Hash Tables, Binary Trees and Binary Search Trees, Balanced Trees, Heaps. This class also covers sorting algorithms: Selection, Insertion, Merge, Quick and Heap.

Prerequisites: DSC20.
